Alex was really into Santa – we made Santa cookies, put out magic oats on the lawn for his reindeer and left him a magic key to get into the house since Grandma doesn’t have a chimney! It all worked out and Santa was able to get into the house and leave the kids presents.
Alex's big gift was a guitar, Connor got a bunch of cars and puzzles, and Hayden got a cool little Fisher Price vacuum which he loves – he is so cute with it. They also got a few small things like pixo's, transformers, etc... It was great and it was so good to be there with my Mom and Lynn.
We were really luky to have Mom home during the holidays and just found out that she will be getting her bone marrow transplant around the 12th or 13th of Jan. I think we are all excited, but a little nervous too.
Ryan took the kids sledding the day after Christmas and we ended up coming home that night. I decided that I really like traveling at night. All the kids slept and when we got home we just laid them in bed.
It was a great little vacation and honestly I'm still enjoying it. Ryan has been either been going into work a little late or coming home early all week. I think next week is going to be a bit of a shock to get back into our routine, but it will be good - Alex has been asking everyday if she gets to go to school. Sorry Alex, you’re stuck with us for another 4 days.