Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuna Tower

Every day I’m putting away tuna cans and crystal light containers that Connor gets out of the Lazy Susan. I think about moving them to a different cupboard after about the third time of cleaning them up, but then I think of how much fun he has with them and if that’s what makes him happy then why should I take that away from him.

Maybe I should just put them in the toy box so that I’m not tripping on them every time I go into the kitchen. J


Janet said...

How cute!!!! What a smarty!

Nicole said...

My friends little boy always used to do that on the top of the counter. I few toes would get smashed when the stack got to high! Have fun Connor!

Ranay said...

That is cute! Went through the same thing with Spencer until he figured out how to open the little packet of crystal light - it quickly got moved out of reach!!

Karen said...

I love the last pic on here, he is so proud of him self. My vote it the toy box.