Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Best sound ever

I love the sound of a baby laughing. I just had to share this clip of Hayden.


Karen said...

super cute!I love it!

Buckland Family said...

That is soo cute! When did he start laughing? I can't wait for Davis to start.

Dani said...

Aweeee,That' just so precious!!! I wished Trin was that ticklish!!! And whenever she laughs it has to be off camera....hahahah

Nicole said...

So precious! I love how they don't open their mouths very much when they laugh! And his snort is always cute.

Krista said...

so cute! I'm sorry he had RSV. so sad. He looks so sweet. Did he complain while he was sick?

Janet said...

Stinkin' cute! I got my baby-fix today from that!