Wednesday, November 10, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness

I'm am going to try to write something I am thankful for every day this month. Here is day 1-10 in no spasific order.

1. Ryan so supportive, loving,thoughtful,
2. Alex strong,friendly,energetic,
3. Connor quiet, sweet, loving and smart
4. Hayden FUNNY, loud, little, my baby.
5. Doctors and modern medicine.
6. Therapists especially Connors five therapists.
7. The Gospel.
8. My Dad for being baptized and much more.
9. My brothers yes even with all the craziness they bring to my life.
10. I am so Thankful for my Mom. She is the strongest person I know, a fighter, my hero.


The Gotch Family said...

I have been keeping a list and mean to post if everyday, but haven't yet. I am glad you did your first 10 days. Maybe I will post mine now. I hope your mom is doing well. I have been thinking about her.

Jannette said...

Sweet and kind thoughts, Zen! We think you and Ryan are amazing with your little family. Looking forward to seeing you and having a great Thanksgiving. It's so wonderful that your Mom is doing so well. She's been so strong.

Love you lots,