Monday, July 21, 2008

Melaleuca Picnic

This year I missed the picnic because I was down in Utah, but Ryan stayed behind so he could take Alex. From what Ryan and Alex told me they had a lot of fun. They have everything a little kid could dream of - Free cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn, inflatable slides, pony rides and more.

This year Ryan and Alex were even able to go on a helicopter ride thanks to a co-worker and friend that invited them. I wish I could have been there. Good thing they have it every year.


Nicole said...

Looks like tons of fun. Cool pics of the baby too, even though it kinda grosses me out!

Harris Family said...

What fun ultrasound pictures! I really wanted to do that with Tyler but never did.
We sure miss those picnics! And helicopter rides???...when did that one start? Just another one of those mela-perks!

Janet said...

Alex looks like she's having a ball with her daddy! Too bad you missed it - I know you had fun with her last year.

cristelle amber said...

what a blast. i forget that you are pregnant, how are you feeling?