Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows I’m not much of a reader - in fact I can’t remember the last book I read cover to cover other than a pregnancy book. After hearing time after time people talking about Twilight and how much they liked it, I had to give it a try.

I started reading last Monday and just finished yesterday and I have to say I also got sucked in. I’m not quite as big of a fan as some of my friends, but it did keep my interest enough to finish it and I definitely want to read the next one.

Thanks Ranay and all the others that encouraged me to read it. I’m glad I did.


Nicole said...

Sounds like I'm going to be the last one on the bandwagon! I just can't commit to make the time to read right now. I'm glad you liked it!

Ranay said...

Welcome to the world of Twilight! So glad you like it!

gina said...


Krista said...

so are you ready to watch the movie now?