Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Water Color Monster

Alex has a little school desk downstairs where she colors and water paints. More times then not, the paint and water get left on the desk. A few days ago Connor got to the bowl of water and paint brush and here’s what happened.

Okay, so I painted the smiley face, but the rest was his doing. He also thought it was funny to try and get me so I ended up with a few paint brush marks on my face as too. Good thing they’re washable!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Super Dora

It’s no surprise that when you have kids you don’t get to go out to dinner and movies quite as often. While I sometimes miss that, there are other times when the kids are more entertaining than any movie out there.

About a year ago, Ryan bought Alex a funny Dora cape from Mexico and ever since then she’ll occasionally become Super Dora. But the other day she took the whole superhero thing to a new level. She put on her bright pink tights and a pink leotard along with her Dora cape that matched perfectly. She was running and jumping around and when we grabbed the camera she was more than happy to pose for pic’s. It was some of the best entertainment we had in a while. Kids are a blast!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows I’m not much of a reader - in fact I can’t remember the last book I read cover to cover other than a pregnancy book. After hearing time after time people talking about Twilight and how much they liked it, I had to give it a try.

I started reading last Monday and just finished yesterday and I have to say I also got sucked in. I’m not quite as big of a fan as some of my friends, but it did keep my interest enough to finish it and I definitely want to read the next one.

Thanks Ranay and all the others that encouraged me to read it. I’m glad I did.

P.J. Day

Last Friday Alex had pajama day at her school. She was so excited that she woke up early got all ready and walked around until 10:30 telling me “let’s go to school, I’m going to be late.” She had it all planed out the night before to wear her Dora p.j.’s and Dora slippers. What a funny girl.